Winter League
Apologies for not updating the notices until now, but I have been indisposed. The winter league is now into the second half and hopefully the weather will improve. Currently there are 5 matches not played from the first half, 3 of which were due to flooding. With careful communication between the team captains, these can be rearranged before the end of the season. Good luck.
A calendar of Marches events has been placed in the HOME -> GENERAL DOCUMENTS folder. This will be amended as new events are announced.
The AGM, was held on 22nd October at the New Strand, Eardisley, at 7.30 pm The proposal to make some changes to the Constitution to clarify and update some clauses was passed unanimously. The current Executive members were re-elected unanimously. The AGM was followed by the Committee Meeting (now re-named the Team Representatives meeting). Minutes for the 2023 AGM and the July 2024 Committee meeting were duly approved and signed off. Minutes for this years AGM and Team Reps meeting are available to view and print in the HOME->GENERAL DOCUMENTS folder. It was agreed at the AGM that these minutes will be reviewed for approval at the next Team Reps meeting.
The meetings were followed by the presentation of trophies for the various Marches competitions. The awards were presented by Don and Avril Killick, long time members of the Marches Petanque Society.
10 Teams have entered for this years Winter League. They have been divided in to 2 leagues of 5 teams plus 1 bye, by random selection. The first match of the competition will be on 27th October. A list of fixtures, along with the score sheet, rules and team captains' contact details are available for view and print in the WINTER LEAGUE, DOCUMENTS section of the website.
For payment of Entry Fees etc. by bank transfer the Bank details are
Sort code: 53-50-41
Ac number: 55210139 (this is a Business account)
Please put your team’s name as a reference on the bank payment.
If you cannot pay by this way let me know and I will try and arrange another way. All entry fees MUST be paid also by the 31st March.The email addresses for the Executive Committee are available HERE and in GENERAL DOCUMENTS within the HOME Tab
The minutes of the AGM 2024 and the Team Reps Committee Meeting October 2024 will be posted when they are available in GENERAL DOCUMENTS within the HOME Tab
Updated Petanque England Official Rules in PDF format can be found within the HOME tab, within the GENERAL DOCUMENTS section.